
Couple discussing how long chapter 7 will take on a calendar

How Long Does Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Take?

By Maureen Milliken | August 5, 2021

A Chapter 7 bankruptcy usually takes about four to six months from filing to final discharge, as long as the person who’s filing has all their ducks in a row.…

Man in suit choosing between chapter 7 and chapter 11 bankruptcy

Chapter 7 vs. Chapter 11 Bankruptcy

By Bill Fay | August 4, 2021

This is the story for anyone who thinks a bankruptcy is a bankruptcy is a bankruptcy. Not so. In fact, bankruptcies are like Nike sneakers: They come in a variety…

Couple putting a piggy bank back together symbolizing repairing finances after bankruptcy

What Happens After Filing for Bankruptcy?

By Maureen Milliken | July 30, 2021

If you’re overwhelmed by debt, bankruptcy may seem like a great solution. Get rid of the debt, the letters, calls and threats from collection agencies, the sleepless nights, and start…

Caution sign for Chapter 13 bankruptcy

What Makes Chapter 13 Bankruptcy a Bad Idea?

By Max Fay | July 20, 2021

Bankruptcy laws exist for those whose debt has become unmanageable. Whether it’s bad fortune (think medical bills or a lost job) or financial irresponsibility (think reckless spending with credit cards,…

Front door open with the key

Can You File for Bankruptcy and Keep Your House?

By Maureen Milliken | July 19, 2021

Filing for bankruptcy comes with many questions and fears, but one of the biggest for homeowners is “Will I lose my house if I file for bankruptcy?” In many cases,…

Bankruptcy with a discount tag

Low Cost Bankruptcy

By Max Fay | July 16, 2021

Bankruptcy is a scary word that gets even scarier when you realize it’s going to cost you money you don’t have, to get rid of the debts you do have.…

Man with no money trying to file bankruptcy

Filing Chapter 7 With No Money

By Max Fay | July 12, 2021

The oxymoron of bankruptcy is that a person in significant debt has to find money to pay for the way to get out of debt. Government thinking, no? Yes, Chapter…

How To Stop Paying Credit Cards Legally

By Max Fay | May 23, 2021

Anyone who’s been in deep credit card debt knows that paying it off can be a long and stressful process, so it’s natural to wish for a quick fix. But…

Man with no money and What Not to Do Before Filing Bankruptcy

What Not To Do When Filing for Bankruptcy

By Bill Fay | May 23, 2021

Bankruptcy can be a life-changing experience, but if you want it to be a positive one, there are a few mistakes you’ll need to avoid before you file. For example,…

Woman in bankruptcy filing a tax return

Will Bankruptcy Affect Your Tax Refund?

By Maureen Milliken | April 26, 2021

You’ve filed for bankruptcy, but could really use that tax refund you expect this year. You’re not the only one who wants it. Odds are the bankruptcy trustee is also…