
Debt Collections Harassment

Debt Collection & Creditor Harassment

By Bill Fay | March 15, 2018

The definition of debt collector harassment is to intimidate, abuse, coerce, bully or browbeat consumers into paying off debt. This happens most often over the phone, but harassment also could…

The garnishment process can be complicated, we will help you navigate some of the terrain

Garnishment Process

By Max Fay | March 15, 2018

Wage garnishment is a subject people want to avoid talking about, but if your wages are being garnished that is exactly what you should be talking about. Wage garnishment is…

The advantages and disadvantages of personal credit

Personal Lines of Credit

By Bill Fay | March 15, 2018

A line of credit is a pre-approved loan that allows you to get money when you need it and not all at once. These credit lines are sometimes backed by…

Warning Card Interest Rates Up

Interest Rates Increasing on Credit Cards

By Bill Fay | January 22, 2018

American consumers owe a record $1.023-trillion in revolving credit – mostly through credit-card debt – and with interest rates expected to rise in 2018, financial experts predict the problem will…

Couple on couch looking at computer and smiling

Credit Report Counseling

By Devin Joy | January 18, 2018

Here’s what you get with Credit Report Counseling: Walk through your credit report, section by section, with a certified credit counselor Learn what is costing you points Learn how to…

Different Types of Loans That Can Be Applied For Your Needs


By Bill Fay | October 18, 2017

Types of Consumer Credit & Loans Consumer loans and credit are a form of financing that make it possible to purchase high-priced items you can’t pay cash for today. Banks, credit…

Equifax Data Breach Lady in front of computer screen

What To Do About Equifax Data Breach?

By Bill Fay | October 10, 2017

The recent data breach at Equifax, one of the three major credit reporting bureaus, has created an uncomfortable situation for the more than 145 million American consumers whose personal information…

How to get a Personal Loan - Man on a computer applying for loan

How to Get a Personal Loan: How to Qualify and Get a Low Rate

By Bill Fay | October 4, 2017

Once in a while, situations arise in which you might need a substantial chunk of extra money, but don’t have substantial collateral – house, car, property of some kind –…

Credit Monitor

Credit Monitoring Services

By Devin Joy | September 20, 2017

What is a Debt Management Plan? How can it help? A debt management plan is NOT a loan.  In a typical program, debt management companies work with creditors on your…

Secured Loan

Secured Loans

By Bill Fay | August 14, 2017

What is a Secured Loan? A secured loan refers to a loan contract in which the borrower puts up collateral (like their home or car) to acquire immediate cash. They…