Are you worried about identity theft and someone ruining your good credit name? The Fair Credit Reporting Act was designed to ease your fears. The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA)…
The Federal Trade Commission, launched in March 1915, was created in response to a groundswell of public concern that followed separate U.S. Supreme Court antitrust rulings against Standard Oil and…
“Predators” in nature are defined as animals that prey on others, like wolves eating rabbits. Unfortunately, there are a lot of wolves in the lending business. Predatory lenders don’t care…
There has always been a lot of lending in the United States. There hasn’t always been a lot of truth. Lenders could obscure information on interest rates, finance charges and other…
In 1979, the Electronic Fund Transfer Act (EFTA), also known as Regulation E, was implemented to protect consumers when they use electronic means to manage their finances. Electronic fund transfers…
A default on any loan is going to severely damage your credit score and leave you vulnerable to one or more collection procedures. The consequences of default depend on whether your loan is…
The picture that many people have in mind when they think about the stereotypical debt collector is a hard-hearted scoundrel of melodrama infamy, threatening to throw widows and orphans into…
Some borrowers who are looking for trustworthy lenders are simply swayed by news out of the financial sector, news that documented at a rash of bank failures and subsequent efforts…
Consumers’ financial identities are always at risk. A single late payment might bring down your credit score, a clerical error may lead to inaccurate or outdated information being reported, and…
Every consumer should be interested in their credit score, especially if they are considering a major financial move that will require a loan. Anyone wanting credit for a mortgage, auto…