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Ice Bucket Challenge: Ways To Give Back Without Spending Money

Admit it. You’ve considered de-friending the person that challenged you to the Ice Bucket challenge on Facebook.  The videos that are flooding your news feed are all apart of the ALS ice bucket challenge phenomenon that’s taken the social media world by storm.

The challenge involves getting doused with buckets of ice water on video, posting that video to social media, then nominating others to do the same, all in an effort to raise ALS awareness.  People can either accept the challenge or make a donation to an ALS Charity of their choice, or do both.

The challenge got us thinking about more ways to contribute to causes and charities that won’t send you into debt (or ruin your blow out).

We complied a list of 10 ways to give back without spending any money. Many of the ones that made our list don’t require you to leave your desk to contribute.

Top 10 Ways To Donate Without Spending $$:

The Hunger Site

Since it’s launch, this site has contributed more than $30 million to charities around the world that benefit fighting hunger. To donate users are asked to click a button on their website that hosts various ads that benefit people and animals.

Charity Miles

This app allows you to earn money for charity when you walk, run, or bike.

Free Rice

Missing the days of being in school? You’ll love Free Rice.  For every correct answer you choose, 10 grains of rice are raised to help end world hunger. 1 right answer = 10 grains.

Good Search

Search the web and shop with exclusive coupons and coupon codes on GoodShop to raise money for 100000+ nonprofits and schools.

Locks of Love

This non-profit charity accepts donations of human hair with the stated intention of making wigs for American children suffering from long-term medical hair loss from any diagnosis

Tab for a Cause

Raise money for charity with each new browser tab you open. There are a couple banner advertisements in the corner each time you open a New Tab.

Volunteer Match

Volunteer your time instead of your cash. This site helps you find organizations in your area that are doing the type of work you’d like to get involved in.

Salvation Army

Dig out that cardigan that you haven’t worn in two seasons and donate it to someone who could get some good use out of it.  The Salvation Army accepts donations of clothing, furniture, and household items.  For details: 800.728.7825

Canine Companions

Help raise and train a puppy that will eventually assist special needs children and adults. For more info: 866-CCI-DOGS

Red Cross

Hospitals and other medical facilities have a pretty consistent need for blood donations. The Red Cross is more than willing to help you find a place to give blood nearby

What ways do you and your family contributes to causes or charity that don’t cost money? SHARE them with us on our Facebook page.

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*For more information on the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge visit the ALS Association website:

Bill “No Pay” Fay has lived a meager financial existence his entire life. He started writing/bragging about it in 2012, helping birth into existence as the site’s original “Frugal Man.” Prior to that, he spent more than 30 years covering the high finance world of college and professional sports for major publications, including the Associated Press, New York Times and Sports Illustrated. His interest in sports has waned some, but he is as passionate as ever about not reaching for his wallet.

ALS Ice Bucket Challenge is sweeping social media by storm.

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