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senior in garden image

Older Homeowners Hit Hard by Mortgage Crisis, Study Suggests

By Bill Fay | July 19, 2012

America’s mortgage crisis affected millions of older homeowners just at the time when their retirement nests should be heavily feathered, according to a study from the Public Policy Institute of…

senior doing taxes image

For Record Number of Seniors, Golden Years Mean More Work

By Bill Fay | July 19, 2012

They can be found diligently working in local grocery stores, offices, department stores and within the health care industry – they’re Americans aged 65 and older who remain active in…

Home equity picture

Report: 700,000 U.S. Homeowners Regain More Equity

By Bill Fay | July 19, 2012

There’s good news on the horizon for homeowners and the national economy this financial quarter: More than 700,000 U.S. households regained positive equity in their properties, according to a new…

GI Bills and student loans

Obama, Congress Deride For-Profit Schools’ Preying on Veterans

By Bill Fay | July 17, 2012

Responding to complaints from thousands of veterans, Congress, the Obama administration and various veterans groups are condemning some of the practices of for-profit schools and colleges that receive hundreds of…

Consumer Credit

Economists Debate Good News, Bad News of July Credit Report

By Bill Fay | July 17, 2012

Economists around the globe are crunching the latest G.19 credit numbers released by the Federal Reserve’s Board of Governors, numbers that show that consumers around the world are still borrowing…

Home For Sale - Foreclosure Sign

Increasing Number of FHA Home Loans Fall into Delinquency

By Bill Fay | July 10, 2012

Unlike other sectors of the mortgage market, which appear to be steadying after years of turmoil, FHA loans are falling into delinquency and foreclosure at an alarming rate. A recent…

Expensive House

Report: Reverse Mortgages Being Used by Young Borrowers

By Bill Fay | July 5, 2012

A recent consumer report indicated the government-insured reverse mortgage program, once intended to help seniors continue living in their homes free from financial constraints during the retirement years, contains possible…

The Perfect Home

Reports: Housing Market Showed Marked Improvement

By Bill Fay | July 2, 2012

After several challenging economic years, the sluggish housing market is said to be on the mend as the number of total home sales show a sales gain. In fact, economists…

Young male student with glasses holding multiple credit cards looking stressed about his climbing debt

U.S. College Students Consumed by Credit Card Debt

By Bill Fay | July 2, 2012

The results are troubling for economists. In a country riddled with consumer debt — the next generation of American consumers, college students, seem to be following in their parents’ footsteps,…

2 Happy People

Credit Agency: Some Mortgage Modification Strategies Better than Others

By Bill Fay | July 2, 2012

Fallout from the collapse of the U.S. housing market is ongoing, and consumers are only now beginning to learn the effectiveness of various mortgage modification strategies that they used after…


  1. Fleck, C. (2012, July 19). Mortgage Crisis Impacts Seniors. Retrieved July 19, 2012, from
  2. Brown, R. (2012, July 19). Facing Foreclosure After 50. New York Times. Retrieved July 19, 2012, from
  3. Trawinski, L.A. (2012, July). Nightmare on Main Street: Older Americans and the Mortgage Market Crisis. Retrieved July 19, 2012, from
  4. PR Newswire. (2012, July 19). New AARP Study: Last Five Years Saw Unprecedented Numbers of Older Americans Lose Homes or Face Foreclosure. Retrieved July 19, 2012, from
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